Sunday, September 27, 2009

If I had thousands of dollars to spend, I would...

  1. Pay off my loans (sigh, thank GOD for grace periods)
  2. Pay for my extra science classes at USC for spring semester (if it all works out... about $14,000 needed for TWO classes. SIGH. JUST 2.. which means extra loans, in reality)
  3. Buy Rosetta Stone -Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, etc. (for both Christine and I to enjoy) Each language costs $500.
  4. Go to House of Sarang (tickets are only about $600!)
  5. Go travel the east coast -New York and Baltimore to visit the Jessicas, Boston to visit my cousin, and everywhere else.
  6. Travel Europe. (sigh. sommedaaay.)
and of course a million other things. but those are the ones that pull my heart my most -in order of urgency.

sigh. i'm buh-roooke.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


왕녕 (Wang Nyoung... pronounced Wang-Ning)

He was the youngest child at House of Sarang, but a new baby came straight from the hospital during the first week of September, so now his position has advanced to #2.
He is SO precious and loving. One time, he was really sad and crying, so I carried him and softly sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul" as he rested his head on my shoulder. He stopped crying and when I would try to put him back down, he would cling closer, so I kept singing to him.

Ever since then, whenever he would see me, he would come running over to play with me, with his huge smile and cute, happy little eyes. We danced and played a lot and I miss him tremendously.

Stay tuned and I'll introduce you readers to another of my loves sometime. Possibly weekly..?


About a week ago, I just happened to read through some old xanga posts and I'm so glad that I have them to look back on. It definitely reminded me of the therapeutic significance of blogging/journaling, but a lot of times, there's just so much to write about that there's nothing you can say (write).

I love the way blog entries can exercise the mind and develop writing skills and such. So I'd like to come back and write more often, but I don't know how well I can commit to that. But do know that I have the desire and there have been several times I intended to post my thoughts, but just couldn't find the time. or whatever other excuses there are.

I really do hope to blog more often, and so here it begins.

Just to get some updates out of the way:
  1. I truly, madly, deeply love House of Sarang. I have learned and still am learning a LOT from this past trip and I cannot wait to go back -the sooner, the better.
  2. The West Coast Health Missions Conference was AWESOME. Met some amazing, intelligent, kindhearted men and women of God. Learned a looot, did a lot of self-analyzing, and it actually helped me process some of what I experienced at HOS as well.
  3. I'm reading Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis -finally. I've always meant to read it, but I finally bought it at a used bookstore the other day. It is GOOD. I get so humbled, shocked, and wow-ed that it makes me underline practically every other line. I will definitely write a post about it sometime or another.
  4. I just bought a laptop chill-pad and a new chair for my room -I have been using my now former desk chair for.. about.. 16+ years. Gross, I know. So yay! It's nice and comfy.
  5. It is my cousin Hannah's birthday today. She will likely never see this, but I just wanted to put that out there.
Okay that's all I feel like writing for now. HAHA. Til next time. TATA.... (box) heh heh. some bio humor for y'all. ;)


Thursday, September 17, 2009