forget that last post. i think i got it now.
EDIT: haha so I know I was extremely vague, but I didn't think anyone would be interested in my rambling. So here is my thought process/my plan:
I REALLLY only neeeeed a 0.01Science-GPA boost (at the bare minimum). So pulling out a $6000+ private loan for a 0.04 GPA boost (at USC) is just NOT worth it.
Also, as advised by Erica, community college, no matter how cheap, is out of the question.
So, I am banking on CSULA, but I will try to get UCLA and CSULA at the same time (Jan 4). I got advice that I should just stick with it, and keep going to class because people will continue to drop (hopefully).
But in the meantime, CSUN starts 2 weeks later, so if my chances at CSULA or UCLA aren't looking too good, then I'll try CSUN as well (same procedure/risk).
So there it is.
No real backup plan, but God, I hope it works out =(
...what'd you decide?