Monday, June 22, 2009

i just want to say...

that i hate cigarettes. no. i kind of abhor them.

don't get me wrong -i dont hate the smokers, (i love many, many of them, actually.) i just hate the cigarettes themselves.
acid, toxic death penetrating walls/windows/doors/clothes/hair as it destroys and mutilates lungs/throat/EVERYTHING, turning tissues to murderous cancer cells.

even stupid secondhand smoke kills you. makes my heart and lungs LITERALLY, physically hurt. acid is slowly eating away my insides.

i know you're saying.. uhh.. duhh. everyone knows this already.
but that's what my lungs feel like at this exact moment. and it's lasting longer than usual. usually i can shake it off, but it seems to have seeped in deeper tonight.

i really cannot fathom HOW much nastily worse it must feel to actually smoke. truly, death on a stick.

i freaking HATE cigarettes and the control they have over peoples' lives.
right now in particular, i hate its stinking smoke and the way it absorbs into EVERY SINGLE THING it touches.

ugh. i could go on forever, but it's all been said and done before so.. whatever.
i'm done complaining about it now.... at least here.


  1. haha who did you play with?
    cigarette smoke makes me a bit nostalgic...for Korea. ^_^;

  2. I'm reading this as I sit in a smoking floor of a cafe in Seoul!
