Save yourself the time, energy, heartache, and anxiety - just listen to God the first time around.
The first time around when God gives you a sneak peek at his will -that inkling feeling that you know you should probably listen to, but you push aside because you want to stay just a littttle longer, or because you're just having some fun, there's no harm in it.... Basically, because you just want to be selfish and have things go your way without seriously thinking about the consequences.
The first time I REALLY learned this lesson, now let me tell you, I paid for it DEARLY. And though it may be a COMPLETELY different situation this time around, I am reminded of what a fool I am. Just because the circumstances have changed, the lesson, clearly, had not been drilled into my head well enough.
And honestly, as a stinkin' DUMB sinner, it will likely... never fully get into my thick head.
...Thank God for mercy. Seriously.
But because of mercy and grace, sometimes we stupid sinners are quick to forget our follies. We fool ourselves into thinking we don't need any God to tell us what is best. We know our own lives, we know what path we think is best.
What a fool, idiot, dunderhead I am.
Look at what Sin (NOUN) does to me. to us all.
UGHHHH. Gotta remember, and KEEP reminding myself -Sin DESTROYS my soul.
It doesn't in ANY way make me a better person, there isn't a sin that's okay and permissible because of its degree of severity. All sins are equally destructive and each one merits me hell.
So again, just listen to God right away, as he reveals bits and pieces of His will to you. He already knows what you'd have to go through if you take your own path and he wants to save your from yourself.
ahhh this is me.