Thursday, December 31, 2009
i may go through certain times when i write somewhat consistently, but... meh. as much as i like the idea of journaling, it's not really in my nature to do so.
so random, sporadic blogging i will continue to do. (as i always have)
goodbye 2009. you kind of sucked.
filled with lots of highs, but more lows.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
King vs. Pauper
My inner-pauper will have to battle hard to conquer the queen in her regal behavior.
But we shall see who shall prevail this weekend.
Monday, November 9, 2009
EDITED: upon further analysis and research,
EDIT: haha so I know I was extremely vague, but I didn't think anyone would be interested in my rambling. So here is my thought process/my plan:
I REALLLY only neeeeed a 0.01Science-GPA boost (at the bare minimum). So pulling out a $6000+ private loan for a 0.04 GPA boost (at USC) is just NOT worth it.
Also, as advised by Erica, community college, no matter how cheap, is out of the question.
So, I am banking on CSULA, but I will try to get UCLA and CSULA at the same time (Jan 4). I got advice that I should just stick with it, and keep going to class because people will continue to drop (hopefully).
But in the meantime, CSUN starts 2 weeks later, so if my chances at CSULA or UCLA aren't looking too good, then I'll try CSUN as well (same procedure/risk).
So there it is.
No real backup plan, but God, I hope it works out =(
Sunday, November 8, 2009
kiiind of stressed. =(
Issue is, where, when, and will it be possible?
Option 1: the most expensive one =(
-Take both classes at USC (Jan-May)
Option 2: still expensive
-Take one class at USC, one class elsewhere-wherever I can
Option 3: the option I'm most hoping for,
-Take both classes at CSULA, UCLA, or a combo of the two. (ideally, Jan-March)
Option 4: cheapest, but least credible
-Take classes at a community college or two.
So I'm realllly hoping Option 3 works out, but it's the biggest gamble because I'm a sitting duck until January. But, by January, I need to have already registered for a community college, or for USC.
Option 4 is extremely tempting because it's 1/1000th the price of the other options, and siginificantly easier, of course. However, it would look much less legitimate on my transcripts.
Option 1 is the one that I could rely most on, but I would have to take out a FATTTYY loan, which pains my heart.
maybe i'll register for everything and drop as need be...? but that complicates loan applications too.
and if you read this entry, can you help me too?
Monday, October 26, 2009
But nowadays, I REALLY want to go somewhere. anywhere. everywhere.
I've only ever seen the boring parts of the west coast (only the national parks)- Idaho, Montana, Utah... you get the point. Outside of the States, I've been to Mexico, Korea, India, and China, but in China, I've never even stepped outside of Yanji. And that is it.
I want to see and experience the rest of the world, or even the rest of the US would be more than GREAT.
I want to go on cross-country road trips, and I want to go on the (failed) west-coast road trip. And I wanna go see Canada, New York, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore. I want to see what a real autumn is supposed to look like. Feel what a real winter feels like.
I want to see ALL of Europe. I want to travel China- Beijing, Hong Kong, Changchun, Xi'an. I want to see Southeast Asia. I want to go to Australia! (That one has been my dream since 2nd grade). I want to play in Japan.
Most of all, I want to go back to House of Sarang.
But all of this requires time, and more importantly, loads and loads of money. But these I do not have.
Sigh.....someday...... =\
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Who Am I?
But post-grad life has been a time of reconciling who I was, and who I became, in order to direct who I will become. And of course, this reconciliation extends into every aspect of my life, not just this one personality trait (as I'm sure it is/has/will for everyone else).
Now that college is over, I have really been settling back into my introverted ways and I keep catching myself doing it. But now that I've seen what it's like being on both sides of the E-I scale, the question is, am I just going back to who I am, or could it be something else?
Is it that one side is closer to my redeemed self, and one is closer to my natural, sin-rooted side? How could I ever even know whether one way is better than another if they both have their pros and cons? Who is it that God wants me to be?
On a similar note, I always thought I was a very open person, and that I would tell anyone anything. And yeah, sometimes I may, but more and more, I find myself withholding my struggles and my life from others. And this also makes me wonder if it's because of this time of my life or if it is just a part of who I am.
At CCH retreat, Pastor Jeney Park-Hearn gave a seminar about our lost self, false self, and disowned self. And it's complicated, so.. I won't explain here.
But even if I do sort myself out and I understand the aspects of my identity, what then? How does it go on from there?
Who is my whole self? How do I get to that point? Can I ever?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Godsend
So of course, there are several people in my life like that, but there is someone that I MUST write about because God is using this woman to bless me over, and over, and over again and I am so grateful.
First, she was the one who helped me clearly understand my post-bacc situation -she gave it to me straight, but with kindness and realistic optimism. She told me exactly what I would have to do, and when, and then she even suggested other professors and administrators I could talk to. And even though things didn't work out, I know that God really used her to grant me peace before leaving for House of Sarang.
Then post-missions, post-CSULA failure (so about a week ago), I was really feeling hopeless. But after stirring up some courage, I sent out some emails for job postings and research positions, and I decided to email her too, just in case.
Turns out, she showed me kindness yet again, and was totally willing to let me volunteer. We met up yesterday and she set me up on a project with her and this other girl. She took the time to explain everything to us very thoroughly so that I can get the most out of the experience.
Then on top of that, when I mentioned that I was planning on job-shadowing, she told me about her dentist, and said she would give him a call. And she followed through immediately -she sent me an email just a couple hours ago. She told him about me, and that I can call to arrange to meet him! And I had really been scared of actively going out there to find a dentist to shadow, but thanks to this woman, she has helped push me out of my fear and passivity.
And all of this happened within the TWO times that I met her. All together now, WOW.
Seriously, she is SO nice, SO encouraging, SO helpful. It really blows me away (so much so that I HAD to post about her)! She seriously reminds me of all the great elementary school teachers I've ever had. Middle-aged white women who just pour out love and care on needy children like myself. But it's amazing because she's a college professor. You can tell she loves what she does, that she has genuine concern for others, and most importantly, that she hasn't been jaded, unlike most teachers who get more and more jaded as you move onto higher levels of education.
It is SO refreshing to feel so cared for and to meet someone so awesome. And the thing is, it really isn't like she's throwing me freebies. I can feel that she has respect for me as a young adult, and that she knows I am a capable individual. I had lost so much confidence in my abilities throughout college, but I really feel renewed. It's really great to be reminded of how many good people there are out in the world.
Thank you God, and thank you, Dr. Sharp.
I look forward to a great quarter of working with you. Even though it is an unpaid position, it is totally worth it.
(Now it's just a matter of starting to study for the DATs.... O_O)
nothing else i can say
but anyway, this always happens to me, as i'm sure it does to many failing-bloggers -whenever i get some revelation, read something that rocks my world, find something great, or whatever the case may be, i think "ooh. this would make a PERFECT blog entry"
and then i never get around to it.
and so continues the saga of my blog-failures.
does that even make sense. i dont know. i'm tired.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Next Chapter...
Coming back to America to all the changes that come with post-college life (plus the added weight of House of Sarang withdrawal) has proved difficult, particularly because my life is no longer set on a clear cut path. Yeah, it would have been great to go directly into dental school, law school, pharm school, a stable job, blah blah blah, but I'm really glad for this time of uncertainty because I know I didn't prematurely commit myself to a plan I may not have been ready for.
I was once a slave to the train of thought that you MUST go directly from high school, to college, to professional school, to work, to marriage, to children -no breaks, no deviations. In high school, I never once dreamt of straying from this path for fear of the uncertain. Culture, schools, family, and life dictated exactly that formula and it was too scary to consider other options. And honestly, living life with such burdens can be suffocating.
I admit that I am in my current position mostly because I wasn't focused enough during college. I let myself fall off that path and had to cope with it one way or another, but God has really been showing me for the past few years, and even more so now, that it is nowhere near the worst thing in the world.
Honestly, it's refreshing to be free from school for once -not being tied down by the chains of expectations. And for once, I feel free to dream about new possibilities. Not to say that I'm throwing my former plans out the window, but I love being able to see outside the mold I had been stuck in for so long because there is soo much more to life than fulfilling "the American Dream."
The war is still waging between my old and new selves, and I don't think I'll ever be completely free from the way I was trained to think, but I know that once I get through this, my convictions and motivations will be deeper and more honest.
This season of my life is really helping me reassess my goals and relationships. I definitely do not have all the answers, I actually kind of don't have any. But of course, with God on my side, I know I will find some way in life. Without that comfort, I would truly be lost.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
If I had thousands of dollars to spend, I would...
- Pay off my loans (sigh, thank GOD for grace periods)
- Pay for my extra science classes at USC for spring semester (if it all works out... about $14,000 needed for TWO classes. SIGH. JUST 2.. which means extra loans, in reality)
- Buy Rosetta Stone -Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, etc. (for both Christine and I to enjoy) Each language costs $500.
- Go to House of Sarang (tickets are only about $600!)
- Go travel the east coast -New York and Baltimore to visit the Jessicas, Boston to visit my cousin, and everywhere else.
- Travel Europe. (sigh. sommedaaay.)
sigh. i'm buh-roooke.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
He was the youngest child at House of Sarang, but a new baby came straight from the hospital during the first week of September, so now his position has advanced to #2.
He is SO precious and loving. One time, he was really sad and crying, so I carried him and softly sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul" as he rested his head on my shoulder. He stopped crying and when I would try to put him back down, he would cling closer, so I kept singing to him.
Ever since then, whenever he would see me, he would come running over to play with me, with his huge smile and cute, happy little eyes. We danced and played a lot and I miss him tremendously.
Stay tuned and I'll introduce you readers to another of my loves sometime. Possibly weekly..?
I love the way blog entries can exercise the mind and develop writing skills and such. So I'd like to come back and write more often, but I don't know how well I can commit to that. But do know that I have the desire and there have been several times I intended to post my thoughts, but just couldn't find the time. or whatever other excuses there are.
I really do hope to blog more often, and so here it begins.
Just to get some updates out of the way:
- I truly, madly, deeply love House of Sarang. I have learned and still am learning a LOT from this past trip and I cannot wait to go back -the sooner, the better.
- The West Coast Health Missions Conference was AWESOME. Met some amazing, intelligent, kindhearted men and women of God. Learned a looot, did a lot of self-analyzing, and it actually helped me process some of what I experienced at HOS as well.
- I'm reading Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis -finally. I've always meant to read it, but I finally bought it at a used bookstore the other day. It is GOOD. I get so humbled, shocked, and wow-ed that it makes me underline practically every other line. I will definitely write a post about it sometime or another.
- I just bought a laptop chill-pad and a new chair for my room -I have been using my now former desk chair for.. about.. 16+ years. Gross, I know. So yay! It's nice and comfy.
- It is my cousin Hannah's birthday today. She will likely never see this, but I just wanted to put that out there.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hana Yori Dango
I just finished both seasons (20 episodes all together) and I was GLUED to my computer and could not stop watching. I am so dazed and in love with the show. SO good. So good that I want to watch it again. (but will try to refrain.)
Oguri Shun and Matsumoto Jun -the main love interests in this show were both in Gokusen 1 too! So of course, I love them even more now. =)

Friday, June 26, 2009
Serrano Chile and Jalapeno Hands =(
So we were making Jon Kang's Green Sauce, and as Gina mashed the avocados, I chopped up some cilantro, 2 jalapenos, and 2 serrano chiles. I really didn't think anything of it at the time, especially because I had cut some jalapenos the night before and I was perfectly fine.
But about 5 minutes later, as I squeezed some lemon and lime into the sauce, my thumb was starting to tingle.
It was tolerable, but soon, it started spreading deeper into my nails (right where the nail and the finger meets). I brushed it off and continued to help cook, but within the hour, my index and middle finger started to tingle too. So I rubbed my fingers together to distract myself from the pain.
I decided to try some remedies. First, as most of us know, when you eat something spicy, you're supposed to drink milk, so I tried dipping my fiingers in milk... didn't really help.
Then I tried ice... helped while I kept my hands on the ice, but.. once my hands were off, no help.
So I went home, and it was still relatively tolerable, but when I got home, the pain initiated in my left hand as well. So by now, both of my thumbs, index, middle, and ring fingers were BURNING with pain. It was getting worse, so I googled some solutions, and I hated the ones that said "use gloves." Because obviously, it's too late for that one. I knew that time would end up being the only solution, but I had to do something, so I went on and tried them all.
- Washing my hands over and over -did nothing.
- Lotion- nada.
- Aloe Vera -accentuated the burn.
- Antibiotic Ointment -that kind of burned too.
- Vegetable oil -made it feel like my hands were being COOKED.
- Vinegar -worked VERY temporarily, but made my hands smell and didn't really do much.
- Warm Water -(acc. to Jon Baik:) to try to open up my pores to let the chile oils out... oh, they came out all right, came out to burn me even worse. Lukewarm water felt like BURNING HOT WATER to my fingertips
- Sour Cream -worked for about a minute, but the moment I washed it off -pain, yet again.
- There were some remedies involving bleach, rubbing alcohol, and acetone, but heck no, I KNEW that those would just eat away my skin and make things worse, so I avoided that one.
It's hard to describe the sensation, but it felt a little bit like I was being forced to keep my fingers on a hot iron skillet, and there was no way to pull away from the burning, searing pain. Seriously.
So I tried to go to sleep, and thank God, I did. So I ended up waking/getting up at around 11:30, and YAY! It didn't hurt!
But as warned by the blogs I read, "I thought the sensation/pain was gone, but after taking a hot shower, the irritation was back with a fury." But it was only a warm shower, but.. same effect.
So, it's definitely not AAAAS bad as it was last night, but it still hurts and I read that capsaicin (the oil in the peppers) has a half-life of about 24 hours, so... I shall have to suffer until tonight. It definitely is getting better though. It kind of comes in waves (of mutilation. haha). But yeahhh... be warned, everyone. Gloves are a necessity.
Stupid chiles. =(
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Some New Loves
I must say that the Japanese men in Gokusen have charmed me to overlook those minor flaws. I don't even mind the fabulous blonde and brown hair either. haha. (but I'm sure in person, it'd be a different story)
So let me tell you a little about Gokusen. (I'm sure people won't read this post, but whatever.)
Yankumi = main character, teacher, granddaughter of a yakuza head (mob-leader)
So, there's this character named Tetsu, and he is just wonderful. He is one of the "henchmen" in the yakuza that lives in Yankumi's house. He actually has an ugly stache and beard thing going on, but I don't mind. His love, loyalty, and protection over Yankumi is so charming. He's hilarious and I hope they get together in the end. =( which they probably won't. =(
But anyway, Ken Kaneko is a boxer in real life, hence the pose.
Matsumoto Jun plays Sawada Shin in G1, and he is from Arashi, which was my friend Yoko's FAVORITE band. In 5th grade, she would show me pictures of them and I thought they were so ugly, but my eyes have truly been opened. He has the rare talent like Robert Pattinson where when he looks into your eyes (the camera), he just makes you want to fall in love with him.
Shun Ogiri plays Uchiyama, and let me tell you, he has some beautiful hairstyles throughout the show. But when he falls for this one girl, he gets sheepishly shy when he's normally rowdy and tough. So cute.
And the last 2 guys are in the band Kat-Tun: Akanishi Jin & Kazuya Kamenashi. They're the eye-candy of Season 2. Not as charming and wonderful, but I like them nonetheless. But I'm not done with Gokusen 2, so maybe I'll fall in love with them more as I continue to watch.
Monday, June 22, 2009
i just want to say...
don't get me wrong -i dont hate the smokers, (i love many, many of them, actually.) i just hate the cigarettes themselves.
acid, toxic death penetrating walls/windows/doors/clothes/hair as it destroys and mutilates lungs/throat/EVERYTHING, turning tissues to murderous cancer cells.
even stupid secondhand smoke kills you. makes my heart and lungs LITERALLY, physically hurt. acid is slowly eating away my insides.
i know you're saying.. uhh.. duhh. everyone knows this already.
but that's what my lungs feel like at this exact moment. and it's lasting longer than usual. usually i can shake it off, but it seems to have seeped in deeper tonight.
i really cannot fathom HOW much nastily worse it must feel to actually smoke. truly, death on a stick.
i freaking HATE cigarettes and the control they have over peoples' lives.
right now in particular, i hate its stinking smoke and the way it absorbs into EVERY SINGLE THING it touches.
ugh. i could go on forever, but it's all been said and done before so.. whatever.
i'm done complaining about it now.... at least here.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
In LOVE with...
2. Gokusen (watch on!)

4. frozen yogurt. (I'M ADDICTED!.. again.)
5. My Glendale Girls (duh)

.... wow. baaasically, looks like i love all things christine bae (-->#2-5). (and hera --> #3-5)
and shout out to my paikie with the beyonce. i loooove the new album, do you?
the end.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Lesson Learned...?
Save yourself the time, energy, heartache, and anxiety - just listen to God the first time around.
The first time around when God gives you a sneak peek at his will -that inkling feeling that you know you should probably listen to, but you push aside because you want to stay just a littttle longer, or because you're just having some fun, there's no harm in it.... Basically, because you just want to be selfish and have things go your way without seriously thinking about the consequences.
The first time I REALLY learned this lesson, now let me tell you, I paid for it DEARLY. And though it may be a COMPLETELY different situation this time around, I am reminded of what a fool I am. Just because the circumstances have changed, the lesson, clearly, had not been drilled into my head well enough.
And honestly, as a stinkin' DUMB sinner, it will likely... never fully get into my thick head.
...Thank God for mercy. Seriously.
But because of mercy and grace, sometimes we stupid sinners are quick to forget our follies. We fool ourselves into thinking we don't need any God to tell us what is best. We know our own lives, we know what path we think is best.
What a fool, idiot, dunderhead I am.
Look at what Sin (NOUN) does to me. to us all.
UGHHHH. Gotta remember, and KEEP reminding myself -Sin DESTROYS my soul.
It doesn't in ANY way make me a better person, there isn't a sin that's okay and permissible because of its degree of severity. All sins are equally destructive and each one merits me hell.
So again, just listen to God right away, as he reveals bits and pieces of His will to you. He already knows what you'd have to go through if you take your own path and he wants to save your from yourself.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Tale of the Bee and its Tail
Thursday, as I was driving along Western to the freeway, right when I passed by Rodeo Galleria, there was something floating in the air, and I hear this.. "tteuk tteuk tteuk" sound on my windshield -like the sound when rocks hit your window. But the thing it, it wasn't just like 1 or 2 light tteuk tteuk's. I could tell I hit at least like.. 10 things that definitely sounded slightly heavier than pebbles.
So a second later, one of the.. what I believed/hoped to be a rock, flew in through my window and hit my bangs, and falls down next to my thigh.
and lo and behold, what do I see? A BEE!!! (as you can tell by the title of this entry) So, of course, I screamed and freaked out and called Christine (whom I was going to visit) to tell her this exact story.
So the freaky thing is, is that the bee's... butt.. (thorax, to be exact) was .. detached. and there was a little trail of honey-like substance that had... fallen out. (I guess that's what bee guts looks like??)
So I'm pretty sure that the impact against the window just.. destroyed its body as its dying corpse fell in through the 4 inches of opened window. (seriously, just 4 inches. Why hadn't I kept my window closed!) So, because I was driving and had just gotten on the freeway, there was nothing I could do to get rid of the bee. So I watched it slowly die and attempt to move positions and every time it would flaps its wings and squirm its legs, (::shudder::) ugh. it freaked me out. But the trail of honey kept it.. stuck to my chair... (gross, I know), so it couldn't crawl closer to me, thank God.
By the time I reached Westwood, it was dead. So I scooped it up on a paper to show Christine, and so she screamed and threw it on the ground.
So that is my story of the bee, but you really cannot fully understand my terror without seeing what I saw, so here it is:
What have I been doing since graduation?
but I know this cannot be a permanent state of life. Or else, I'll seriously just gain a hundred pounds and get nowhere in life. As much as I truly, thoroughly enjoy spending so much time with everyone, I need to be more devoted to home. Tonight was the first night since... like.. April that I came home before midnight. Even 3am actually.
The arguments/justifications I have been giving myself for playing as much as I want are:
1. I'm leaving for House of Sarang soon anyway, and real life begins soon after I come back, so may as well live it up until then
2. This is the first time in life when I (essentially) have a car! I'm just enjoying the newfound freedom.
3. Once the fall comes around, everyone will have gone their separate ways and it'll be much harder to meet up.
4. My mom/dad are actually REALLY cool about me being out late. They don't really call to check up on me. (hehe. it's kind of.. great.)
5. Okay. I can go on forever.
...Oh no. Writing out this list has made me want to just continue playing even more. AHAHA dangit.
There's more I wanted to say, but I'm gonna stop here and.. AHAHAH I'll get to it later.
I've become a bad blogger.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Playlist -->
and i have my old playlists down on the right if you want. =)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Refiner's Fire.
1. Suffering is good because God is so good.
2. Reconciliation is good because God is gracious.
3. Everything is done (or oftentimes NOT done) according to God's perfect plan and impeccable timing.
I am such a sinner.
But God will use it to magnify His glory in the end... and I shall be judged for all the damage I've done to people and to myself when my time comes.
You know, we constantly ask God.. "mold me, make me better, help me to be more like you, change my heart, refine me in the fire, etc"
And honestly, be careful what you ask for. Because God will give it to you.. It may mean immense suffering, sorrow, and shame. Think about it. Refiner's fire. Literally. FIRE. Agonizing, burning, PAIN. Feeling your skin get seared and torn apart as all of your flesh melts away. (Like Two-Face in Dark Knight, but with a much better result) Are you prepared for what God will show you? Even if you aren't God may do it anyway because it is all for HIS good, which means for our good too. But remember, amidst the craziness He may pour upon you, God is doing it to bless your life. There is always hope. It's really ALL OVER the Bible. Just take a look.
1. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
2. And rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces pereverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:2b-5
3. Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4
4. "My son (daughter. hehe), do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. [...] No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12: 5-8,11
Monday, March 9, 2009
Order in the Randomness That is My Sleepy Mind.
1 hour lost for delights havens dime.
2 midterms this week.
3 cavities to be filled.
4 days til spring break.
5 AM talks are always worth it.
6 weeks of work i have yet to be paid for.
7 th of march -perfect timing, saving me a hassle.
8 days til we leave for puerto vallarta.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Strawberry.. Blueberry.. Blackberry?!
(WHA??) I was speechless. I just assumed I'd stick with a regular number pad phone for the rest of my life and only switch over to a Internet-phone/QWERTY if I REALLY needed it. (I don't necessarily want a QWERTY actually. I love T9/Word) I didn't know what to say, so I just left him little response. Then, just a few hours ago, on the way to dinner for my mom's birthday, he asked again.
- Crackberries tend to ruin social situations. People cannot help but glue their eyes and attentions to their constantly beeping/buzzing/ringing/chiming/donging Blackberry. Yeah, I'm sure it's fun for the BBM'ers, but for us laypeople trying to have regular conversations, it is no fun at all when the person's mind seems to want to be elsewhere and not with you.
- Dependency on Internet access. I kind of like being detached from the world sometimes, not having to turn on my computer all the time, etc. But with the Blackberry, you can't run away. And once you go Internet, you can never go back to a regular phone.
- The MOOLA. Of course, the phone plan is much more expensive. (But I'm not sure how much more...) So I don't want to waste money when I don't need to.
One of the biggest reasons why I didn't even consider/want a Blackberry was because it is SUCH a huge trend. Like Macs.
Am I overthink
To Blackberry, or not to Blackberry. That is the question.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
2. NEW TV! (On sale at Costco, YAY.) Had to get a new one since all TV's have to be digital now. -_- But yes. It is very clean, nice, and beautiful. I can't enjoy it for a few more weeks, but it's all good.
3. Since our church has now .... closed... all of my dad's books at church have come home in the past few weeks (and trust me, there were already shelves and shelves of books here to begin with). Many PK's, I'm sure, can attest to this phenomenon where part/all of your house is devoted solely to books.
Our house has gone through a major makeover, becoming a dark, handsome, full-blown library. Too bad all of the books are in Korean and I can't understand/make use of them. (...not that I really would have anyway. heh heh..)
The thing is, our apt is really small, so the influx of bookshelves has been pretty crazy. My dad has been working day in, day out and he really did an AMAZING job getting everything to fit so perfectly (He is BY FAR the handiest man I know. And I LOVE it.) Basically, every wall is lined with either a door, closet, piece of furniture, bookshelf, or even bookshelves above the furniture. No exaggeration. I promise.
If our family lived in Belle/Beast's mansion, we could totally fill that library up.
So, of course, pictures are worth more than words, and so here's proof to back up my claims.
(And a treat for those of you who have never seen my mysterious K-town home.... so everyone, basically. HAHA)

Living Room, side 2 and wider view from kitchen

Small wall b/w my room and my brother's

and more shelves to come and to be filled. (Parents' room)

Tis my humble abode.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Trojan Pride..?
So, I thought this was the extent of it, but more recently, whenever my dad sees ANYTHING USC, anywhere, he calls me and asks if I want it, or he just buys it and surprises me with it. For example, he bought me a USC beanie from Lids when he was buying a hat for my brother (... and I appreciated it, but.. honestly... I have no use for it!)
Monday, February 23, 2009
For your listening pleasure --->
"For your listening pleasure" is a playlist of some songs that I love and what to share with you all, so just click the links, and you can dl the songs for freEeeEe (or your mattress is freee!)
So please take advantage and enjoy, my lovers and friends.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
2. Girls who think they are girls' girls (but are actuallly guys' girls in denial) = shady bizz.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
1. The impending doom that is Microbiology Midterm 1 (tomorrow)
2. BISC 150 Research Paper Outline (due thurs)
3. Micro Lab Report (~10-15 pages, due thurs)
4. (and most importantly), Samoneem/God's Pressure Points of PAIN. (last night)
So our House of Sarang missionaries came to America this week to visit various churches and such. So our team met up for dinner last night at BCD. Now, for those who may become confused by the story below... just take it with faith and I'd LOVE to share more about it with you in detail. Just ask me. =)
SO, samoneem has a CRAZY/AMAZING gift from God, where she can feel your pain (emotional and physical). and this past summer at HoS, she told me that I was perfectly healthy, physically and emotionally. (Yay!) So last night, after Christine and Jason got owned, it was my turn next.
Foolishly, I hoped and thought, since I didn't have pain in the summertime, I should be fine now ....right?
She first went for my left ankle. I had sprained that ankle in 10th grade, and it had been acting up with the weather changes. (Crazy. How'd she know right?? cuz GOD showed her.) So, she starts pressing on it, but it wasn't so bad. I could handle the pain (cuz it was just a physical pain. not a deep-rooted emotional one.)
Next, she looks at me, and moves to the spot right under my sternum, at the top of my abs. And as she pushed... SEARING PAIN shot thru me. It felt like there was a self-destruct button in my stomach and she was trying to set it off to explode me. HAHAH jk. not that dramatic, but sort of.
So she told me that I had a pain that was like a rotting/reopened wound that wasn't healing properly. (Pardon the translation. My Korean sucks, so I'm saying giving you the general gist). And at that moment, I knew all of the pains she spoke of. All of the changes, the trauma, and the sorrow that I was trying to push away. It all burst out into the open and the tears came rushing out.
After another round of pressure points, I was done (and she thus proceeded onto Jane, who got doubly owned cuz she needed 5-6 rounds. HAHA sorry Jane.).
But as I got up, the sorrow consumed me. But just for a moment. I would not give it any more than that. For the sake of my makeup and for those around me, I forced myself to stop.
So about.. 2-3 hours after dinner, I checked my stomach and lo and behold, a bruise the size of a Kennedy coin has developed, and another quarter-sized one on the left side of my ribs.
But just before we all separated and it was time for them to leave, Samoneem said to me, when you come back in the summertime, we'll do it everynight. O_____O
Haha. You know, even though it hurt like CRAZY, I know that it's all pain that God wants to heal me from. So... I fear, but welcome it. BRING ON THE PAIN.
Now, even though it sounds horrendous.. it's actually really funny watching from the sidelines. Here's a peek at what this whole thing looked like. HEHE. I love you, Christine. =)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
If you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.
but ANYWAY, I was reading a devo that my good friend John Cadengo wrote, and I wanted to share with you all too.
John (Cadengo, not the ones in the Bible) writes:
In Ephesians chapter one Paul says, "In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."
The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance: the assurance of God's promise to us. We know that God will fulfill his Word because he gave us the Holy Spirit. God created marriage so that we may understand and know the type of relationship that Christ has to the Church: that is, Christ is the Groom and the Church is His Bride. Now, in a marriage the Groom always proposes to the Bride with a Promise, with a Ring. That Ring, that guarantee and symbol of the faithfulness that God has for us is the Holy Spirit. Then, what does God require of us in loving kindness? We are meant to shine out as lights of love in this world. We are called to demonstrate and declare the kind of love that God has for us to others.
Thinking about the Holy Spirit as my "spawklwing diamond" (name that movie!), it gives me a lighthearted joy that I almost forgot about. I went on a honeymoon with the Holy Spirit at House of Sarang this past summer, where I truly got to enjoy, get blessed by, and hang with the Holy Spirit all day, all night. But coming back to America, I let the love and intimacy fade away, as America does to many things. (hehe. jk.)
A lot of times, when we think of God, we either see Him as 1. God the Father, Creator, Provider, Almighty, Yahweh, (etc.) or as 2. Jesus, Sweet Lamb, Ultimate Sacrifice, Giver of Grace and Salvation.
And of course, these views of God are true and absolutely necessary, but more often than not, we don't look at the complete picture. There's a whole chunk of God that a lot of us don't give homage to. The Holy Spirit plays a HUGE role in our lives. He../she../it... is the KEY to our understanding of the Word and fellowship with Christ and the Father. He is our incomprehensibly, graciously given 10^INFINITY(th power)-CARAT DIAMOND RING! But, we forget about Him. We don't give him the MAD props he deserves.
Even though he is invisible, he shines far crazier than a diamond ever could. No, he BLAAAAZES, RADIATES God's Glory. It's as if God gave us a magical.. cloak of invisibility (heh heh). Waay cooler than a ring. God likes us, so he put a ring on it. HAHA. But he did FAARRR greater than that. He LOVES us, so he wrapped us up in the Holy Spirit. A covering for our whole lives/souls/hearts, not just a puny little finger.
And you know, when/if I get married, I can imagine how happy I'd be to show off my ring (regardless of its size), but thinking about showing off the Holy Spirit should be so much sweeter. Imagine having a BEAUTIFUL diamond the size of .. your house.. that no one could ever, ever steal from you. Wouldn't you want to show that off? Wouldn't you want others to ask you about it, crave it for themselves? (and then BAM! gospel attack! how great would that be.)
But alas, a lot of times, instead, we hide Him. We forget we're even wearing a cloak of invisibility. We're supposed to live life, DRUNK off the Holy Spirit, but instead we live extremely sober, cold, hardhearted, societally-conformed lives.
We have to live SATURATED in the Word and in the Spirit. and I mean saturated. Impregnated, completely filled to the brim and beyond. and OF COURSE, I am faaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr from this, but I'm hoping to try. And there is hope because God can do it through His Holy Spirit.
And as pitiful, weak sinners, we all need accountability. I need your help. Keep me in check. Let me know when I'm being stupid, irrational, misrepresenting who Jesus is. (but do so with love, please.) And if you'll let me, I'd like to help you too (whoever you are, reader.).
So I guess this entry actually happens to fit in perfectly with Valentine's Day (I didn't mean for that to happen), so let's all remember our belooooved, amazing husband and show off the big FATTY rock he gave us to show off.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Still puzzled?
brddrdrdrdrdr... (how would you type that..?)
The answer is....
The King and I!
In case anyone wants to see the clips, here they are. I don't think anyone will appreciate them though. It's one of those movies you had to have watched from childhood or else they're just odd, maybe even boring.
For example, Sound of Music, Star Wars, Little Women, West Side Story... (and the list goes on)
It's quite tragic though. Such delightful movies gone underappreciated.
But it's okay because I can love and enjoy them on my own.
Tis a Puzzlement.
Why "Tis a Puzzlement?" ... I don't know.
It was honestly the first thing that popped into my head, so I'll just keep it until something better comes along. But can anyone guess where that line is from? If so, I'll give you MAAAAD brownie points.
But anyway, I have decided to follow the slowgoing trend by hopping onto the blogging train. The Xanga train has crashed and burned for a long time now, so I suppose it's time for something new.
Now let me share with you my inspirations for creating this blog:
1. It has been such a convenient and pleasant way to stay updated with people when they were/are away. You know who you are. ;)
2. Blogs really show what's going on in a person's mind (well, actually what the person chooses to put out into the public realm, but you know what I mean). There is so much going on in each person's life, and blogs often provide a way to see beyond the typical, superficial "I'm fine's" and "Nothing much's." They really give you a chance to delve deeper into their lives, if you'll only read.
3. Most importantly, my brain has been turning to mush (like the Hulu commercial). I've been getting so busy that my life seems to be running on auto-pilot -just thoughtlessly moving from one thing to the next. I've really been missing out on and craving true, penetrating, life-changing introspection these days. Not that blogging will give me that, but my mind needs some exercisin and blogging may prove to be a good workout.
Now I'm not going to be ambitious and say that I'll be posting everyday or anything like that. I'm not sure how committed I'll be to this blog (esp. because I was pretty unfaithful to my xanga), but... we'll see how it goes.
I have midterms and assignments galore this and next week, so.. I'll more than likely post again soon to run away from all the bacterial cell walls, peptidoglycan, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli (which I spelled Eschieriscia on my lab quiz. ugh. dumb dumb. -___-).
But until then, "you are precisely, my cup of tea." (there's another hint for the title.)
Still don't know, do you?