Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Tale of the Bee and its Tail

Okay I already told this story to some of you, so you can just skip this entry. (not that people really read my blog anymore, other than my loyal blog-obsessed Herry berry)

Thursday, as I was driving along Western to the freeway, right when I passed by Rodeo Galleria, there was something floating in the air, and I hear this.. "tteuk tteuk tteuk" sound on my windshield -like the sound when rocks hit your window. But the thing it, it wasn't just like 1 or 2 light tteuk tteuk's. I could tell I hit at least like.. 10 things that definitely sounded slightly heavier than pebbles.
So a second later, one of the.. what I believed/hoped to be a rock, flew in through my window and hit my bangs, and falls down next to my thigh.
and lo and behold, what do I see? A BEE!!! (as you can tell by the title of this entry) So, of course, I screamed and freaked out and called Christine (whom I was going to visit) to tell her this exact story.

So the freaky thing is, is that the bee's... butt.. (thorax, to be exact) was .. detached. and there was a little trail of honey-like substance that had... fallen out. (I guess that's what bee guts looks like??)

So I'm pretty sure that the impact against the window just.. destroyed its body as its dying corpse fell in through the 4 inches of opened window. (seriously, just 4 inches. Why hadn't I kept my window closed!) So, because I was driving and had just gotten on the freeway, there was nothing I could do to get rid of the bee. So I watched it slowly die and attempt to move positions and every time it would flaps its wings and squirm its legs, (::shudder::) ugh. it freaked me out. But the trail of honey kept it.. stuck to my chair... (gross, I know), so it couldn't crawl closer to me, thank God.

By the time I reached Westwood, it was dead. So I scooped it up on a paper to show Christine, and so she screamed and threw it on the ground.

So that is my story of the bee, but you really cannot fully understand my terror without seeing what I saw, so here it is:


What have I been doing since graduation?

So, I've been having a HECK a lot of fun since graduation -playing everyday, keeping busy with fun adventures, driving here and there (i LOVE having constant access to a car!!), and most importantly, meeting up and playing with people I love...

but I know this cannot be a permanent state of life. Or else, I'll seriously just gain a hundred pounds and get nowhere in life. As much as I truly, thoroughly enjoy spending so much time with everyone, I need to be more devoted to home. Tonight was the first night since... like.. April that I came home before midnight. Even 3am actually.

The arguments/justifications I have been giving myself for playing as much as I want are:
1. I'm leaving for House of Sarang soon anyway, and real life begins soon after I come back, so may as well live it up until then
2. This is the first time in life when I (essentially) have a car! I'm just enjoying the newfound freedom.
3. Once the fall comes around, everyone will have gone their separate ways and it'll be much harder to meet up.
4. My mom/dad are actually REALLY cool about me being out late. They don't really call to check up on me. (hehe. it's kind of.. great.)
5. Okay. I can go on forever.

...Oh no. Writing out this list has made me want to just continue playing even more. AHAHA dangit.

There's more I wanted to say, but I'm gonna stop here and.. AHAHAH I'll get to it later.
I've become a bad blogger.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Playlist -->

here you go. please feel free to dl.
and i have my old playlists down on the right if you want. =)